Welcome to the Town of Mendon, NY

Our Town of Mendon is a community of over 9,100 located in southern Monroe County in the State of New York. Please use the drop down boxes above and links to the left and below to explore our site.

Mendon Town Hall
16 West Main Street
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472

Town Hall: 585-624-6060
Supervisor: 585-624-6061
Assessor: 585-624-5254
Building/Code Enf: 585-624-6066
Finance: 585-624-8258
Justice Court: 585-624-6064
Justice Court FAX: 585-449-3468
Planning/Zoning: 585-624-7863
Dog Control Officer: 585-764-9298
Town Hall FAX: 585-624-6065

Town Hall email addresses:
Supervisor: [email protected]
Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes: [email protected]

Code Enforcement Officer: [email protected]
Assessor: [email protected]
Finance: [email protected]
Court Clerk: [email protected]

Highway Department: 585-624-6068
Library Building: 585-624-6067

Wrong Mendon? Try one of these:
Mendon, Illinois
Mendon, Iowa
Mendon, Massachusetts
Mendon, Michigan
Mendon, Missouri
Mendon, Ohio
Mendon, Pennsylvania
Mendon, Utah
Mendon, Vermont