School Tax Information
September 2, 2022
It’s that time of year again…… School Taxes are here! The Town of Mendon Clerk’s Office will be accepting payments (for Mendon residents only) during normal business hours.
Things to remember:
- ONLINE BANK PAYMENTS: Most banks discourage the use of on-line banking for tax payments because they cannot guarantee your payment will be delivered to our office by the due date. If you utilize on-line banking, you do so at your own risk.
- PAYMENT BY MAIL: The U.S. postmark on the payment envelope will be used to determine the date of payment and the amount of interest or late payment charges due for that payment. School tax payments delivered by the U.S. Postal Service after the due date that do not contain an official U.S. Postal Postmark but rather a “postage meter” mark are not considered timely. Payments with insufficient interest or late payment charges will be returned to you.
- FULL PAYMENT: Please follow these instructions.
- SEPT 1 – OCT 1: Pay Total amount of bill to Michelle Booth, Rec of Taxes 16 West Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472.
- OCT 2 – OCT 31: Add 2% late payment charge to total tax due. Mail to: Michelle Booth, Rec of Taxes 16 West Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472.
- NOV 1 – NOV 18: Add 5% late payment charge to total tax due. Make checks payable to “Monroe County Treasurer“, PO Box 14420, Rochester, NY 14614 or pay in person at 39 W. Main St., Room B-2, Rochester.
- INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS: You elect to pay taxes by installments upon remittance of your first installment payment. The service charge must be paid with all installment payments. To pay by installment, follow the instructions below:
- 1st INSTALLMENT: Pay 1st installment by September 15 to Michelle Booth, Rec of Taxes 16 West Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472.
- SEPT 16 – 20: Add 1% to installment amount due. If the 1st installment is not paid by September 20, the installment plan is no longer available. The full amount of school tax must be paid. (see full payment instructions above)
- 2nd & 3rd INSTALLMENTS: ARE PAID WITH FEES TO THE MONROE COUNTY TREASURER, PO Box 14420, Rochester, NY 14614 or pay in person at 39 W. Main St., Room B-2, Rochester. Call Treasury at 753-1200 if you have any questions on amount due.