FSC Meeting Schedule
Citizens Advisory Committee Meetings
Committee activity is governed by the State’s Open Meetings Law. All meetings are open to the public, and virtual attendance will be available.
Administrative support will be available to the Committee for:
* IT support at meetings
* Recording Meeting Minutes
* Central point-of-contact at Town Hall for communication with Committee members and to distribute information
* A “tab” on the Town website to post Minutes and other information approved by the Committee
The tentative Meetings schedule:
Town of Mendon Community Center
167 North Main Street
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
July 13 and 27
August 10 and 24
September 14 and 28
October 12 and 26
November 9 and 30
December 14
January 11 & 25, 2023
February 8 & 22, 2023 ( added to schedule)