Deer Management Advisory Committee Mission Statement
Town of Mendon
Deer Management Advisory Committee
Mission Statement
The mission of The Town of Mendon Deer Management Advisory Committee is to provide education to the community, and to move forward with proposals submitted in November 2004 by the Citizens Task Force on Deer Management. The specific goal is to create a harmonious balance between the white-tailed deer population and stake-holder needs, while conserving this beautiful, natural resource. In order to implement action plans and determine future recommendations, the advisory committee will solicit and evaluate input from various stakeholders and regional experts, including but not limited to:
- The general population of the Town of Mendon
- The farming community
- The Town Highway Department
- The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Metrics will be established and monitored for all implemented action plans. The analysis of this data, along with the input from the various constituents will be used in the development of future recommendations.